Art I: With Trespass 4416 as a starting point, have students discuss public art and the impact public
works have on the community. Divide students up to create a public artwork.
- Observe the work of art. Brainstorm a list of observed materials.
- How would an artist find materials such as these? Canvasing the area in which the students live, discuss possible locations where similar materials could be found. How might the place inspire and enhance the meaning and message of a work of art?
- Collaborate in cooperative learning groups to design a public work of art that represents the place in which it will be exhibited. Incorporate elements of that place within the work of art by repurposing architectural elements and reflecting materials.
Advanced Drawing: Have students use Make Ink: A Forager’s Guide to Natural Ink Making by Jason Logan as a jumping off point for discovering and using local materials for drawing media. This artwork
could be used as an extension of that work and thinking beyond drawing/painting.
- Use as a Bell Ringer: Teacher reads a quote from Make Ink: A Forager’s Guide to Natural Ink Making by Jason Logan that correlates how street harvested materials from urban environments can be used in a work of art. How does Trespass 4416 echo this idea?
AP Studio: This would be an excellent work for a focus of the AP Studio course known as “Sustained Investigation.” The Havel Ruck Projects are an excellent example of how art can be used to explore a single idea yet manifest that idea in a series of possible iterations.
- Use the following steps as a guide to observation, research, and discovery (worksheet on next page)
- Observe and describe the work of art by recording 3 descriptive words, 2 questions, and 1 idea. Discuss as a class.
- Conduct research into the Havel Ruck Projects and Trespass 4416. How does this impact the initial observations?
- Using this information, revisit the work of art and repeat the process in step one, creating new responses.
Elaborate on how the new responses extend and heighten understanding of Trespass 4416.